Friday, February 27, 2015

Beauty Product Alternatives

There are endless options when it comes to beauty products. I have compiled some of them that I have found around my home that can show you just how simple, cost affective and natural you can be when it comes to your regular routine.

Not all of these "alternatives" work for everyone, but I can say that for myself I have saved a lot of money, I have seen results and been overall happy with how these products work together and on their own. 

Teeth Whitening: Baking soda combined with your toothpaste of choice (please ignore the fact that the toothpaste shown has a "whitening" property). Adding some baking soda to your toothpaste is an effective way to whiten your teeth. You will not experience side effects such as red or swollen gums as you could when using a whitening strip. You will also be paying closer to $2 for a box of baking soda rather than $50 for strips. Simply sprinkle baking soda over your toothpaste of choice on your toothbrush and brush as normal. You may experience a foaming action, but this just means it is working!

Dry Shampoo: Almost every brand of hair product carries their own type of dry shampoo. Some work much better than others, some not at all. I have found through every type that I have purchased and tried, I always resort back to good old baby powder. Not only does it soak up the oils, it smells great. If you like the smell of babies,...and who doesn't?! Being a brunette there are tricks to using baby powder that will not result in having the look of gray hair. Simply add a touch of cocoa powder to the baby powder prior to apply to your roots and this will naturally give the white powder a brown color. Once you have applied the powder and gently massaged it into the roots where your oils have taken over, take a bristle brush and brush out any excess product from root to tip. Do not apply too much powder, start off with small amounts and add more as you see fit. This will allow you to avoid shampooing your hair everyday, which in turn will create a stronger and healthier head of hair!

Face Exfoliant: It is always beneficial to exfoliate your face, and entire body for that matter. It removes all the impurities that cause problem skin such as pimples, blackheads and excess oil. I have used many different facial cleansers in my life. Again, some work and some just don't. Sadly you won't know what does or doesn't work without trying it out. This could mean spending a lot of money on products you do not need or want. Replacing your scrub with baking soda will save you money and truly benefit your skin. There are numbers of combinations I use that include baking soda to clean my face. Firstly, a combo of baking soda and water for a wash is quick and easy. Combining baking soda with lemon juice into a paste and applied to your blackheads until dry will get deep down into your pores, better then any blackhead treatment I have purchased in the past. Baking soda, coconut oil and water combined makes for a wonderful moisturizing facial wash. There are different recipes for all different skin types. You are bound to find one that helps your skin. Baking soda is also known as Magic Powder in my house. It is also kept in my bathroom and used more for beauty products rather than baking...

Coconut Oil: One of the most beneficial, universal products I have every purchased. I could go on and on about coconut oil. Main uses for myself being body and face moisturizer, hair treatments, and a shaving cream alternative. If you are looking to purchase coconut oil for a beauty product make sure to look at the labels. You will want to ensure it states "Organic", but also includes the symbol shown below. This will tell you that it is indeed organic and not only a small percentage. If the coconut oil you are buying does not contain an organic symbol it may not be pure. Another thing to look for is the words "virgin", or "extra virgin" and "cold pressed". Each of these factors is best for using as a beauty product, with more benefits. Combine coconut oil with used coffee grounds as a body exfoliant and cellulite treatment (this really works!). Slather coconut oil all over your body after a shower as a moisturizer, concentrating on the dry areas such as knees and elbows. You will feel a difference within the first day. Know that applying a natural product to your skin is overall better for your health. Some skin care products contain harmful perfumes and chemicals you may not know about. So using an organic, natural product your are ensuring that no toxins or chemicals are being soaked into your body. As we age, we realize how important it is to take care of our bodies, why not start now!

Wide Tooth Comb: This is a simple change in your routine that your hair will thank you for. After washing and conditioning your hair you get out of the shower and drag a brush through your mop. If you have noticed it can be difficult due to tangles and feel as if you are breaking you hair with every brush, chances are you are. Try using a wide tooth comb instead. The wider the better depending on your hair type. Using a comb such as the one shown below with avoid excess breakage. You will see a difference in your hairs health with fewer split ends and breakage. Once combed out, you can switch to a round brush for blow drying as usual. Combs can be found at any drug store for $2-$5. In addition, use a cooler setting on your blow dryer to avoid excess frizziness and gently brush your hair in a downward motion rather then flipping your head over to dry, or vigorously drying it as you normally would. These small steps will truly benefit your hair. I have seen a huge difference in only a few weeks on my own hair. 

No Poo Method: If you haven't heard about the "No Poo Method" it is a combination of using baking soda and apple cider vinegar for washing and conditioning your hair, instead of the normal shampoo and conditioner you would purchase from the store. Adding a few teaspoons of baking soda to a cup of warm water is used as the "shampoo". Pouring it on your head when in the shower and gently rubbing it into your hair and scalp. Obviously, it does not create bubbles or lather well but it does clean your hair, which is what you want. Afterwards, adding a small amount of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water for the "conditioner". Poured over your head and left for a few minutes before rinsing out completely. You will find your hair is shinier, less oily in between washes and your wallet will stay full as baking soda and apple cider vinegar are minimal purchases compared to some hair products out there.

I hope that these little tips helped some of you. My hopes are to show you easy, afforable alternatives to our everyday routines. Small changes make big differences. Let's take care of ourselves. When we are at our best, we portray the best!

Thanks for stopping by,

Caitlin J

SIDE NOTE: In no way are these methods my own, they have been ones I have tested myself to ensure they provide great results. I do not take credit for the combinations and techniques listed.