Friday, April 12, 2013

If I Knew Then What I Know Now, Skin and Hair Care

If I only knew then what I know now...

Who has said this to themselves at one point or another?

I know I have many times. In this case I am referring to make-up and beauty. Born in the 80's I was submerged immediately into the light blue eye shadow from lash line to eyebrow, the crimped hair, high socks with tights, scrunchies and of course the mullet. Oh, the mullet. Spending my early school years in the 90's I then became accustomed to the "bushy" eyebrows, the matte dark brown lipstick, the white eyeliner and the mullet (still?!). My high school years played out through the early millennium. Where you can find a little bit of everything... from the jean jackets, neon colors, tights, bright make-up, neutral make-up...we seem to have brought back all of our favorites from the past. Good thing? No, great thing!

Getting a little more into depth, I personally wish I had of known much more about proper skin care and hair care way back when. Our parents always tell us to take care of our skin, because it is the only skin we get. Most damage that occurs in our younger years is hard to correct once we are older. My shout out must go to the teens...please, please, please wear sunscreen, remember to wash your face in the evening before bed if you wear make-up. When applying eye shadow or eyeliner do not tug at your eyelid. MOISTURIZE your entire body including your face, stay away from washing your hair every single day, treat yourself to a face mask or hair mask once a month. Brush your teeth and go to the dentist regularly (to maintain a bright white smile). Avoid tanning if at all possible (if you wish for a glow, get a spray tan or rub on tan). Taking care of your skin and hair early on will make aging that much easier! Coming from someone who never cared enough to do a majority of these things, I wish I could yell at my past self. Small and simple steps make all the difference.

If you are older and just getting into face and hair care now, it isn't too late, Better now then never.

I have always had issues with acne in my teen years which has left me with enlarged pores and excess oily skin. Not knowing when I was younger how to "really" deal with it, I went on birth control and Proactiv which helped clear the acne but the damage had already been done. If I could write a letter to me (yes, this is a line from a Brad Paisley song) it would say,

Dear Caitlin (ages 14-17),

Yes, you have acne on your forehead. Yes, you have acne on your back. This isn't the end of the world. Your hormones will level out and this mess WILL clear up. In the meantime, make sure you never, ever try to POP any of those pimples. Or squeeze the blackheads on your nose (sorry for the graphic details). Do not over wash your hair because it is slightly oily...this will only make it more greasy, simply find the best way to pull it back for an extra day. This will help with the oil, and won't strip your hair of natural oils that it needs to stay sleek and shiny. ALWAYS wash your face before bed, no matter how tired you get! Use a gentle exfoliating wash followed by a moisturizer. Using a moisturizer will hold off those fine lines for a couple years (hurray!!). Don't limit the moisturizer to your face, lube up those elbows, knees and neck...these areas show age first FYI. In the end, don't over analyze yourself from day to day. You find a great man so no need to spend all your time infront of a mirror trying to look good for those "guys".

Caitlin (age 26/27)

ps. As much as you hated skinny jeans when they first came out, you love them now! :)

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