Thursday, August 21, 2014

Big Changes

My most recent post explained that I would unfortunately be cutting back on make-up to ensure my family needs were met after going back to work full time at the office...

As of yesterday I drummed up the strength and pause for reaction...

I am now officially a full time mom/make-up artist ready to get things moving. Being lucky enough to have such a supportive husband, family and friends, I will get to journey into a adventure I thought would always be out of my reach. A good friend gave me some advice, "no one got anywhere standing still." This, among with many other great points, lead me to the decision that I've made. I am only going to live once. My kids will only be little once. If I want to do something, now is the time.

The reason I made this huge decision after seven years at my job, was almost as if I had an epiphany. As corny as that sounds. I had just come back from maternity leave a little over a year ago and since then I have been in four different positions. Great that my boss and coworkers felt I could do anything that needed to be done, but it really put a damper on how I felt about working there. I was unable to get comfortable in any position before I was again moved. I would also like to point out, none of these moves were done because I couldn't do the job at hand, it was more so my boss having a better "plan" for our company as a whole. Being the perfectionist that I am, these changes caused me unhappiness. I was not happy where I was and needed to make a change. I was bringing home a bad attitude each day and when you only have a few hours with your children before bed they don't deserve a lesser version of you. They deserve all of you. Happy mommy. Not grumpy, crabby, stressed out mommy.

Now, I get to do what I truly love. Makeup. It feels as good to write it as it does to say it.

I will be able to work from home during the day and do jobs on the road in the evenings and on weekends. I can dedicate more time to building my business. I look forward to meeting new people and working with repeat clients. This is such an exciting time in my life and I can't exactly "shout it from the roof tops" but I can blog about it :)

If anyone is in need of a makeup artist or hair stylist (as in styling, not cutting or dyeing) I'm your girl!

Feel free to check out my website for up to date pricing and information here.

Thank you to all my supporters out there, you are amazing and I couldn't do this without you.

-Caitlin J

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