Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Creative Juices Flowing

I'm just a big ball of creative, the world is my drawing board...faces are my canvas.

In the works of planning an upcoming photo shoot with Hayley Rae Photography IN THE WATER!
I write this in capitals because not only is my mind screaming it, my mouth is too.
I am beyond excited to test out this element and see what we can create. Water is a tricking prop. A dip into the water a little too far and all that hard work doing make-up may be washed away in a moments time. Lets hope this doesn't happen. I plan to use waterproof everything, just in case ;)

Long flowing dresses, dramatic eyes and lips. Bright colors and an evening photo shoot for amazing lighting options, I get giddy just thinking about it! I will be sure to post many pictures, look for them in a few weeks to come.

Not only is my mind buzzing with ideas for this shoot, but also for all things make-up.
Everyday I have ideas flowing, I may not always have the time to right it down or try it out, but my mind is still thinking about it. That and everything else that this part time working, mama of two needs to think about. If only I could afford to hire someone to do the "un-fun" stuff, like dishes, laundry, driving, cooking...that would be the life. I dream.

In all honesty, I would do someone's make-up at any given time in a day. If I am available, I would do it. No questions asked. It is fun, it is almost therapeutic in a way. When doing make-up you are in the moment, nothing else on your mind other then the person infront of you, the canvas that is their face. Examining all the textures, colors, lines, curves, perfections and imperfections on your models face. Not judging, just gathering information to begin the make-over process. What shade of foundation to use, which areas to enhance, which areas to conceal etc. My favorite quote to hear from a client is "I trust you". What a wonderful compliment. One of the best ones a make-up artist could get in my opinion.

Now, it isn't always practical to go out with hot pink eyeshadow, an intense blue lip or a liquid eyeliner that reaches the outer edges of your face but these are looks that show off just how creative a mind can be. Think outside the box. Have an evening with your girl friends and try out fun and interesting looks on each other and take pictures, it doesn't even have to be Halloween. Oh, Halloween, my favorite time of year. No reason why you can't turn yourself into whatever you desire to be, with everyone else doing the same thing. Last year I went out as Poison Ivy from Batman, my husband as the Riddler. Hand-made costumes by yours truly, red hair, ivy leaves on my face, the works. If you are looking for an artist for your Halloween party then book me early, as there are only so many hours in a day and time is limited. Stay creative everyone :)

Halloween 2012

                                                   Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde Special Effects

Dr.Jekyl Monster Hand Special Effects

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