Monday, July 22, 2013

What is ugly?

Let's look at the word UGLY.

We've all used it one way or another. Many, many times in our lives.

Have we been using it correctly, is the question. Overhearing a conversation on the skytrain a mid to late twenty year old girl was having with her mother and friends went a little something like this:

Mom - Bruno was such a great concert, so entertaining!
Girl - Ya, he is a really good singer but he grosses me out. I think he is funny looking and ugly.

I stopped listening to the conversation at that point because I was afraid what I might say if I did.

Now, we've all done this at some point in our lives. Judged someone else's looks, criticized their features, clothes or make-up choices. I can not sit here writing this and say I am perfect, but I can say that I have gone through a significant change in my life over these past few years and realize how awful the word UGLY really is. In the example above, here is a talented artist making his living by entertaining the world, doing what he loves and doing it well. To be shot down because he isn't "hot" in the eyes of this woman, which seems completely irrelevant if you ask me.

Why should we waste our time focusing on the negative and maybe try to find the beauty instead. Yes, you may not find someone or something "attractive" but it does not mean that is isn't. UGLY is an adjective, not a noun. UGLY describes a person judging another. UGLY describes someone who is racist. UGLY describes a rude behaviour. The UGLY list goes on...

If you come across someone, or something you may consider ugly, try a new tact. Do not view it as ugly but try to find the beauty or reasoning behind it. That person that is wearing a tad too much makeup may be covering up a scar on their face they got when they were very young. The women that is wearing neon colored clothing may relate bright colors with a fond memory of a loved one that has passed. The worn out hat that man is wearing could have been passed down from his grandfather whom he admires. The girl with the bright red Mohawk may be wanting to make a statement. Just remember she did it to her OWN hair, not yours, so don't let it bother you.

We can only control our own words, thoughts, remarks, statements and feelings. Why not make these positive ones. Bad habits are hard to break, but there is always a reason to break them.

Being a make-up artist I can see beauty that many would otherwise overlook. Doing a clients make-up is meant to make them see the beauty I see. I try to remind myself on a regular basis that even if a person can not hear an ugly remark made about them does not mean it doesn't effect someone along the way. Again, ugly is a characteristic. We see ugly everywhere in the world. Be more beautiful on the inside and it will shine on the outside so much more then anything else. Try it out for yourself. The next time you begin to judge something in a negative way...stop...turn it into something positive. You will feel better about yourself and others will feel better around you.

It is contagious.

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