Friday, January 18, 2013


Keeping a balance in life is easier said then done. I am currently on maternity leave with my newest son, who is now seven months old! Wow, how time flies. Since being on maternity leave I also have my three and a half year old at home with me... So on top of owning a home, caring for two children, having a husband and doing make-up on the side I tend to stay busy.

I am not going to lie, I love being busy. My body may say otherwise but in the end everything I do is rewarding in one way or another. I started a pilates class to give back to my body, yet, this has only made it more mad!!

I admit, I am one of those mom's that needs a break. Probably more often then not. Make-up gives me a good excuse to get out of the house and do something I love. I don't play any sports like my husband so this is perfect for me. He has his thing, I have mine.

Right now my biggest concern is returning to work, which will happen this summer. So on top of my life I also have a full time job in an office doing accounts. Summers are the busiest months as it is, getting good use of the sunshine while it lasts. Family camping trips. Birthdays (mine and both my sons). Squeeze in work, daycare, at home life and make-up...makes for a packed calendar. I love summer months! Always something to look forward every day.

Speaking of summer months, it tends to be big in the wedding department as well! I book well in advance for summer dates so feel free to send me a message/email if you are interested in meeting with me. Pricing can be found on my website . I also throw in a FREE consultation for Brides. I know how stressful planning a wedding can be and I would never add to the stress! I am here to make your day easy going and laid back (as much as possible)!

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